Thursday, February 21, 2008

skateboarding by Josh L

Im pretty good at skateboarding but I still fall and get cut up. I hurt my self, but I get right back up and skate off. I like to go to the skate park and go on the half pipe. I always fall and It hurt. I don't wear a helmet or pads. Skate boards are expensive, mine cost $150 thats a lot of money, If you break It there goes $150. You have 4 main things. on a skate board there are trucks a board wheelies barrings. there are many kinds of skate boards. Blind birdhouse Element. you need certain shoes I have audio shoes they cost $150. I go skate boarding all over the place Chatam and Newcastle . I go to my friends house and grind on his grind poles he also likes to skate board he was in a contest but he came in second place. I buy my skate board and shoes a from incline sports. My faviortie skate boader is Bam Margera he is the best. There are many tricks there is the kickflip, hardflip, popshovet ,heelflip and ollie . im good i can do a heelflip a ollie and a popshovet. the reason i like skatebaarding is beacuse i watched lots of skate boarding vidoes so i tried to skate board and i never stoped senice that day.


Anonymous said...

Really good job Josh. You clearly know a lot about skateboarding. We would like to hear more about your skills, so it would be great if you could elaborate on that.

Anonymous said...

I love how interested you are in the topic. When you write from experiance it is a lot more interesting for the reader! A suggestion I would nake would be to use commas! It will make your work more fluent!

Anonymous said...

Great job. You seem to be very interested in skateboarding, and I'm sure you are very skilled. A little more explanation would be great. I'm sure you're really talented and I would like to hear more about what you can do!

Anonymous said...

Hey Josh
The story is good, I have skateboarded as well so I can relate to some of the things you say. I think you should talk more about the skateboarding itself. Tell about tricks you can do or something along those lines.

Anonymous said...

Great story Josh! It's obvious you know a lot about skateboarding due to the amount of detail you have. The only suggestion I have is for you to elaborate in your favorite skateboarder, and maybe make your sentences flow a little better. I really enjoyed this story great job.

Anonymous said...

Hey Josh!

Wow, you sure know your stuff when it comes down to skateboarding. But, do you know what? I'd absolutely love to hear more about your skills. Also, make sure that you put a period, so I know when you're finished a sentence. But, watch your capitalization! Oh, and I was just wondering... Why do you like skateboarding so much? You didn't really tell the reader why you enjoy it so, and now I'm extrememly curious. Overall, you show great work and effort in your essay, so keep it up! :)