Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mr. Magee's Briefcase

It was the firstday of fourth grade and we had one of the most sweetest, and most hilarious teachers in the school, Mrs. Apple. We where all waiting in her classroom with anticiapationwhen the doorknobb started to jiggle. "She's here! She's here!" Hannah screamed. The door slowly creaked open but it wasn't Mrs. Apple. In the doorway was a strange man with a longe black drench coat that would swarve when he walked, on his head he had a matching top hat that struck fear into my heart. His big black leather boots that squeeked as he walked and in his hand he heald a black briefcase.He sent shivers down everyon's spine as he stomped through the isle of the desks to the chalk board. He grabed a peiece of chalk and started writine somthing. On the chalkboard was a name. "My name is Mr. Magee " he said in a loud tone as he slamed the chalk down. " I will be filling in for Mrs. Apple while she is sick." He explained. " How long will she be sick for?" Andrew asked with his hand in the air " She will be gone for about two months" Mr. Magee replied. Brittany turned to me and handed me a note.

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